Thursday, August 8, 2013

chocolate cake batter ice cream

Cake batter ice cream and I go way back. Back to my high school days. Which seem foreverrrr ago now. Which is fine by me.

Well, I actually must preface my previous statement about our history together because it doesn't involve just any cake batter ice cream, but Cold Stone Creamery's. Oh my lord, I love Cold Stone. Sidebar, if you're one of those people who adds an "s" to the end, then I implore you to please stop. A major pet peeve of mine is adding an "s" to words. So bothersome.

Cold Stone was a regular spot for my high school friends and I. We didn't really partake in the party scene during high school. A shocker, I know. No, my dear friends and I could be found indulging in massive portions of gluttonous ice cream on a Friday night. My sweet friend Anna always ordered the "Gotta Have It." She's the best.

Anyway, without fail, I always ordered their cake batter ice cream with rainbow sprinkles. I don't know why, but I never ventured outside of my standard order. I just loved this flavor so much and nothing else would satiate my ice cream needs. This ice cream actually became my secret weapon to swimming fast at finals during swim competitions. Most athletes fuel up on power bars, quick breads, fruits, and other energy packed foods, but I responded well to an extreme sugar high. My sweet mother would run out while I was napping in between sessions to grab me cake batter ice cream (with sprinkles) to go. She's the best, too.

So, this ice cream may not be the same as my favorite ice cream chain's, but it is quite a contender. Not only is it a chocolate version, but it's so easy to make. All of the ingredients are mixed in a blender and then you simply pour it into your ice cream maker. So quick and so delicious. What foods conjure about specific memories for you? My list is super extensive, but cake batter ice cream has a particular soft spot in my heart. Churn this up friends!

Chocolate Cake Batter Ice Cream

1 cup heavy cream
1 cup milk (low fat or whole)
1/4 cup sugar
3 tbsp rainbow sprinkles
3/4 cup chocolate cake mix

1.  Combine cream, milk, sugar, and cake mix into a blender and mix until well blended
2.  Pour mixture into ice cream maker and churn according to your manufacturer's instructions
3.  Once ice cream reaches ideal consistency, mix in sprinkles
4.  Transfer ice cream to container and store in freezer for at least two hours until ready to serve 

Source: Wonky Wonderful